Saturday, October 31, 2009

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” – Frank Zappa

This is a very complex statement and it’s only engaging Frank Zappa. How people who cannot talk be interviewed? It should be understood when it’s about people who cannot write interviewing people who can talk for people who cannot read and that should make sense.

I am not trying to negatively criticise the statement as the message can only be explained by Frank and to decode someone’s idea, you have really to enter into is understanding. Nevertheless, as from the media, we can constructively criticise such a statement as one of our roles is to educate and inform people.

Therefore, from Frank’s codification, it can be understood that “rock Journalism” is about interviewing people for people cannot read due to the fact that the interviewers cannot write. In this situation, rock journalism, I believe, should have to spend a lot as it involves lots of media tools which could allow such interviewers to do their job.

Media people should be very careful about what they write and the way they write it. It should be noted that stories or statements should be kept as simple as possible as to allow readers or viewers to face validity i.e. allow lay-persons who have no technical knowledge about your topic or such as statement to understand the message you attempt to convey.

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